Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Alternifolia goldenseal (hydrastis

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The different types of bacteria than normal bacteria Lactobacillus


imbalance due to strattera online bacterial organisms that exist in the vagina.

Instead of Lactobacillus bacteria are most numerous, increased numbers of other organisms

found in the vagina in women with bacterial vaginosis (BV) such as:

Bacteroides Gardnerella

vaginal Mobiluncus Mycoplasma Hominis Bacterial vaginosis

(BV) Gardnerella is one of the most common causes >> << coleitis symptoms among women, especially those who are sexually active,

painful inflammation of the vagina. no

symptoms, when symptoms occur, they include:

excessive, thin gray or white vaginal discharge that sticks to the vaginal wall >>

fishy or musty , unpleasant vaginal odor, most noticeable

sex after infection can not spread from person to person through casual contact, such as

, :

like vaginal discharge and returned examined under a microscope, or painted

or special lighting

absence of lactobacilli,

thevaginal cells lining that cover


organisms ,

presence of Gardnerella bacterial vaginosis (BV) may be difficult to cure using either conventional treatment or

alternative. >> << The usual treatment with antibiotics taken orally or vaginally

, including:


direct use of local antimicrobial

Turn meat products, including fish, birds

use products that have been raised without the use of chemical fertilizers

or pesticides wherever possible. oil, flour (bread, pasta,

, etc.)

Vitamin C (1000 mg three times daily with meals


proteolytic enzymes leads to increased efficacy. Warm baths sitting with tea tree oil (Melaleuca

Alternifolia Goldenseal (Hydrastis

Canada) Oregon Grape Root (Mahonia


Although it is unclear if the infection is sexually transmitted, sexually active women seem

suffer from infections than other women

limit sexual relationships

to one uninfected partner

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